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NIK dag 3: Ike Picone
The Role of News Organisations, Social Media & Fake News Analysis in Times of the COVID-19 Crisis
EUTOPIA Week Gothenburg April 2021 - Digitalisation of journalism: creative or utter destruction?
Algorithms, diversity and public service media
Recreating Ocean Resin Art with Soap
Can we BEND Resin into a Lamp?
Will this DIY resin key work? (My wife is locked in the shed)
TrumpUpdate: de president en de (nep)journalisten - RTL NIEUWS
Makers Test 7 DIY Life Hacks
Ik wil ook online!
Nathalie Van Raemdonck (VUB) over complotdenken en desinformatie in coronatijden
Leo Van Audenhove over datawijsheid en dataficatie op MWCON21